Submit Your Halloween Story!
Gather ‘round the campfire to find out who has the spookiest story of all. We invite you to share your creativity and love for Halloween with the rest of Longhorn Nation by submitting your original story! Enter a Halloween story (whether it’s for little pumpkins or the fiercest of witches) for a chance to be featured on this page for fellow Longhorns to enjoy.
Below are the guidelines to follow.

Written Story Submissions
- All ages are welcome. Entries must be created by UT faculty, staff, registered student, or household member of a UT-affiliated person (EID is required; if household member, enter EID of individual at UT)
- Entries must be 500 words maximum in length
- Files must be titled with a "Story Title_Last Name" format
- Must not contain any profanity, inappropriate or derogatory language.
- Stories featuring disturbing or excessive scenes of violence will be not be considered
- All entries are final, no revisions allowed
- All entries must be original works. Plagiarism, which includes the use of third-party poetry, song lyrics, characters or another person's ideas, without written permission or proper acknowledgment will not be featured
There are three categories stories (based on a spookiness scale) can be submitted to. Please see below:
- 1 skeleton = no goosebumps here (if you have them, put on a sweater)
- 2 skeletons = scaredy-cats beware
- 3 skeletons = sleep with the lights on tonight
Submissions will be accepted throughout the Longhorn Halloween event.
Submit Your Written Story Here
If you have any questions regarding the Longhorn Halloween story submissions, please email